

On our holiday this summer, I was watching my daughter enjoying a drive on a go-karting track. Unfortunately, after the first lap, she was stuck behind a lad who seemed quite happy trundling along at a reasonable pace – but not happy to let others experience something more. Once he realised that my daughter was trying to get past him, he deliberately blocked her on several occasions, frustrating her on her drive. The smile on her face when she passed him on their last lap said it all.

As I thought about this incident, it made me think about how we sometimes approach opportunities. Very often, change – or something different – is viewed as something to worry about rather than something to embrace. We often see the difficulties that it undoubtedly brings – and let them block out the immense opportunities that come with change too. Over time, I have moved from focusing on the difficulties to looking for the opportunities – and it is a much better feeling.

The young lad was happy with his lot, and didn’t want to experience anything more, and if you are that type of person, that’s fine. You can keep going through life happy with what you have – but you miss out on so much by not looking at other opportunities that are out there. He could have experienced a lot more on the short drive if he had got into the race feeling, or could at least have let others have that by moving out of the way of faster drivers.

What kind of person are you? Do you look for more? At times of change or difficulty, do you look for those opportunities that will challenge you and push you forward? There is nothing wrong with being happy with what you have – but you miss out so much by settling for where you are – and not looking for those opportunities to experience something different, better, more exciting.

And what about others around you? Are you happy for them to look for more? Do you move out of their way – or do you try to block them from grasping those opportunities that you are shying away from?

As I said, I have moved from being happy with what I have, to looking for the opportunities for more. I have been lucky to have various people, at various stages in my life, to encourage me in my quest for more in life. They have pushed me, supported me and shouted for me in that. They have shared their experiences, recommended things to help me – and recommended me – for something better. And each time, I have grown as a person, and in my skills, by going for it!

Opportunities come – and opportunities go. If you won’t take them, someone else will. You may have an enjoyable life right now, and that’s great, but there is always so much more. You only have one life, don’t reach the end of it regretting those opportunities that you have missed and let slip through your fingers. And whether you choose to take them or not, please don’t get in the way of others and hinder them in their pursuit for more.

Go on – live a little and take that risk. The opportunity may not be there for long. And cheer on others as they look for that little bit extra too!