
Due to varied and extensive experience, we are able to provide training in a number of different areas:


If you are looking to recruit staff, we can advise you in shaping the job role you are looking for, preparing a job description, advertising the role, shortlisting, preparing for the interviews, carrying out interviews and making and communicating decisions


Having employed staff, you need to manage them effectively. We can advise you on issues such as discovering your employees strengths, fitting them into the team, setting objectives, performance appraisal, discovering training needs, motivating staff, learning styles, dealing with conflict


We all have customers that look to make use of our products and services. We can advise your team on dealing with people in both written ways and orally. How do we deal with general queries/sales, dealing with complaints, dealing with disgruntled customers. Face to face, on the phone, by letter or email.


Having studied leadership for many years – both from live examples, books, conferences etc, we can provide help and examples of how to lead others – and how not to lead others! We are particularly interested in the ideas of both Marcus Buckingham and the ‘Strengths Revolution’ and Patrick Lencioni’s thoughts that contribute to Organisational Health. Helping leaders in our churches and charities is a particular interest and we would love to assist you in this way.


Many of the Trustees of our organisations do not fully understand their role and what is expected of them. We can advise on the responsibilities and liabilities of a Trustee, their obligations under charity law and to the Charity Commission, and how they can effectively lead their organisations.

We would love to help you in any of these areas, and training can be provided on a one-to-one basis or as a group – either a group from one organisation, or from several organisations coming together to share training.

Please get in touch to discuss your requirements, and depending on these, a suitable fee will be negotiated with you to meet that need.